Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Second Grade Experience

I once had a seven year old student enter my second grade class at the beginning of the year. He was a non-reader. (Before the era of Special Education)

A month or two later, using the family methods mentioned in the previous post.
He offered to stand before his class and read a small book of about 12 pages with 10 different words.
Not an accomplishment to many of us. But I was very pleased to have my class of twenty plus second graders rise to their feet an one body and give him a standing ovation.

This class adopted their classmate and helped him to graduate from high school. Today, this very seldom occurs, but it is what special students need and do not get very often.
From this point, this boy went on and gradually expanded his learning, but it was never easy for him.

author of Stepping Stones to Navajo History

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